Non-Diet Personal
Trainer + Virtual Fitness Instructor

I help you transform your relationship with exercise so it becomes something you look forward to, instead of something you dread.
Whether you want 1:1 virtual training, or follow-along workouts that meet you where you are, I’ve got you covered.
As a weight-inclusive trainer, I don’t take before & after photos or measurements.
You deserve to be celebrated for who you are today.

You are made for more and that’s why you deserve MOVEMENT FOR MORE.

From 1:1 training to Follow-Along Workouts, I have you covered!

How do we measure exercise progress if I don’t take photos?

You will see progress in the way your relationship with exercise improves.

1.) I will help you RECOGNIZE

Healing your relationship with exercise means understanding how it became a source of punishment.

Fitness marketing has sold a narrative that exercise is for weight loss/aesthetics only. Exercising for a ‘look’ leaves us feeling like were on a hamster wheel with no end.

There is another way to approach exercise and we get there by unlearning these narratives.

2.) I will help you REFRAME

In order to improve your relationship with exercise, we must repair certain thoughts and stories that we’ve associated with it.

Reframing words like ‘slow’ and ‘quitter’ as well as finding the in between of all or nothing are good places to begin.

I will help you learn all the gray in between the black and white extremes so you can meet yourself wherever you’re at in your fitness journey.

3.) I will help you START

Now that our mindset has shifted, how do we apply all that we’ve learned to help us show up on a regular basis?

In this part of the practice, I will help become self aware and learn compassion so that you can adjust for low or high energy days.

As a former physical therapist assistant I will teach you foundational exercises as well as how to progress and regress any exercise movement.


“Jamie will always explain how a certain movement is important to daily living. I love how she relates movement to function.”

— Megan, Personal Training Client

“Her background as a physical therapist assistant makes her an inspirational asset to anyones’ fitness journey.”

-Melissa, Movement Channel Member

“Virtual Training is perfect for me because I can do it from home. I have personal attention and can do it according to my schedule.”

-Mara, Personal Training Client

“Jamie is not only an amazing & energetic trainer, she is an inspirational human. I look forward to our sessions, every single time.”

-Susan, Movement Channel Member

What makes Jamie different?

About Jamie

As a Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor, I’m pumped to help you improve your relationship with exercise.

In addition to saving my clients’ time (by training them virtually)- I encourage them to make connections with how regular exercise makes them feel, rather than how it makes them look.

My background as a physical therapist assistant sets me apart from the average personal trainer, taking your individuality into account every session, every exercise.