In this episode, Nicola and Florence meet Jamie, non-diet fitness Personal Trainer.
Jamie explains what led her to become a PT and a Zumba instructor, as well as a physio assistant. Jamie shares how she never really felt close to the appearance-focused fitness values in her field, and was practicing a much more compassionate, mindful approach to her job, even before learning about Health At Every Size.
Together we discuss toxic fitness culture, how to come out of exercise addiction thanks to the acronym FIL (Feel, Impact, Lesson), what Jamie understands as "movement for more" and how she helps her clients reframe their relationship with exercise. We also discuss what led Jamie to stop subscribing to Zumba as an instructor.
Attention! Please make sure to only consider personal training AFTER recovering at least 3 periods. (
You can find Jamie via @fitragamuffin or to subscribe to her virtual training programs.
To find support in your HA recovery:
Get the "No Period. Now What?" book at
To join the NPNW Support group, please visit
To make an appointment with Dr Rinaldi and get individual support to get your period back or improve your fertility, please go to
To make an appointment with Florence Gillet and get help with the body and mind changes happening in recovery please visit
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Beyond Body Image on Facebook
Beyond Body Image on Instagram
Amenorrhee_fr (HA recovery 100% in French) on Instagram
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Editing by Steven Worlow
Original Music by the Andy Shulman Band "Lost & Found" available on Spotify.