Celebrating The Process➡️
December 2018, I was messaged by a friend if I could ‘virtual’ train her (ie. meet with her online, take her through personalized workouts on an appointment basis-and offer accountability and support when needed)
Without having all the best equipment and without knowing where to begin-
I just went for it. 😀
My mind thought of 481 reasons as to why I ‘wasn’t’ ready- and you know what-
I told myself “you’ll NEVER be ready.”
I trusted that -
with every session, I will LEARN-
with every day- I will FIND a way to improve the process-
And with every mistake- I will improve the efficiency of “the system.” <-also my husband is a HUGE help with this!
With my clients’ first payments, I invested back into the business (because, like a broken record- I have the adage “most business’ don’t make money in the first two years”) running through my head on repeat-
So, the first thing I started with is compiling intake forms, hiring a graphic design artist for a logo and buying two monitors.
I was squinting at the ipad to see certain body positions- and this makes it SO MUCH EASIER for me to correct my clients’ form during certain exercises.
I thank God my first 4 clients are the most amazing women to begin/start anything with-b/c without them, I wouldn’t be taking this leap. .
I’m pumped to see what improvements I end up making next month and like always, I will share the journey with you all (whether you like it or not) hahaha!