
There’s a solid chance that the ball is behind me in this picture (ie. a strike)

Actually I KNOW it is- b/c I “conveniently” cut that part out when I was in 6th grade.

I used to think that the picture was so funny->

“story of my life,” I’d say- “always striking out.”

(embarrassing side note from my past: when I used to strike out, occasionally, I would cry and say- “WHY JESUS WHHHHHYYYYYYY?” you know- b/c Jesus was on MY side and NOT the pitchers.

As I was going through old pictures a couple months ago, I pulled this one out and hung it in my office (among other inspirations)

Because looking back on the picture, almost 20 years later-

I see it and look at it in a completely new light.

I DID strike out A LOT. .

But you know what this picture shows me NOW?

I swung.

I attempted.

I tried and tried and tried and I never gave up. .

And that’s what I want it to remind me of today-

I will strike out MANY more times in life (and might still cry about it.)

But I will keep swinging- keeping clicking the bat to my cleats prior to stepping into the box-

In order to let the pitcher (ie. LIFE) know-->

“It’s go time-lady.

YOU and me. THIS AT BAT.

Right here- right now---”

And 3/10 (if I’m good)- I’ll get a base hit

And maybe 1/1,000 will be a home run--who knows?

But I will never know if I don’t swing.

So keep swinging James-

Keep swinging.

The class I’ll be teaching Saturday morning at 8:30am will be @she.can.spokane @riverparksquare

will be celebrating this,


And today, my 12 year old self is the one pushing me- and to her, I say “thank you”



