
I am a personal trainer & I eat ice cream. .

And guess what ice cream isn’t for me?

It’s NOT a “cheat meal”

It’s NOT a “guilt-free” OR “guilt-riddin” treat.

I’M NOT “GOOD” for avoiding it & I’m NOT “BAD” for eating it.

This black and white label system for food used to run rampant in my head- .

this constant internal voice that demonized individual foods-

Thriving off of the ACTUAL labeling of “green check=good” “RED X= BAAAAD!”

WHY did I think the food choices that I made

DEFINED my “goodness” and “badness”?

WHY did I equate “eating a salad” with my integrity, my patience or my trustworthiness as a friend?

Since when did traits such as empathy, courage/(non-gossip) & kindness

EQUATE to “choosing a low calorie restaurant option”?

About the same time I started to remove the ‘good and bad’ labels FROM individual foods —

IS when I started to heal my relationship WITH it. .

You know what I NEVER did when I binged in the past? .

I NEVER enjoyed the moment- because

I was too busy feeling “bad” about the act of doing it. .

I NEVER savored the individual flavors-’finding the chocolate pieces’ & breathing during each bite- because I was so focused on the fact that I would NEVER COMMIT THIS “sin” AGAIN!

And I SURE as heck NEVER focused on the PURE JOY that comes with eating and tasting each bite. .

Now, my food gets broken down to exactly what it is. .


It’s no longer “bad” or “good” -

It just IS.



