“Consider the source”
This is one of the best (and simplest) pieces of advice that I tend to forget.
Whether it be a headline/clickbait on social media, or a piece of criticism-
— I have to stick to the things I know to be true:
Is this coming from someone I trust? Does this sound like it needs to be elaborated on? Does this person/source have credibility WITH me? (Ie. Been around for decades/knows me well etc)
And- one of the ones that has been challenging me lately—
Am I *too* quick to believe something because it either confirms or denies a certain BIAS that I hold to be true?
To be frank, most times- I use this phrase on myself. When I’m telling MY own self something-
“Jamie, WHY do you think this? WHAT proof of evidence makes this statement true?” (Societal pressure?) -
Because more often then not, I’m the source I have to consider. 😂
Daily, I’m Learning more and more how to process, understand & converse with the chatter in my own head more so than others’ thoughts of me.