
to ONE of the MANY times I’ve “failed”
My view on failure has changed DRASTICALLY over the years, I don’t even know that it’ll ever be clearly defined in my head. -
Struck out = failed
Got a “F” on a paper = failed
Didn’t make the team = failed
My best friend found out I talked behind her back = failed
Medically with drew from my first year in college = failed
Slept through a final in college = failed
Entering a STRONG by zumba contest that I trained and worked my butt off for-and didn’t “win” or get in the top 10 = failed
2-3 years ago,
I would have said, “no, I don’t think there’s any such thing as failure, I think you fail when you stop trying, or die?”
Now, I disagree with my past self.
I think there are minor failures (minor being what hasn’t killed me…)
And then there are MAJOR failures in the long term (one of them being me, at (90 years old) in a nursing home and being wrought with regret because I NEVER EVER TRIED.
And yes- I will experience MANY many MINOR failures throughout my life (I mean, it IS A part of life really--)
But MAJOR failure (in the GRAND scheme of things)--
THAT-- -The “I stop giving a crap” part-
the “I’ve lost all hope for 40+ years part”
The “worlds’ going to hell in a handbasket and I’m not going to try and make a positive impact” part
The “I’m NEVER going to try again” part.
And now- knowing that-
I welcome failure.
Failure means I am trying, I’m continuing to put myself out there- failure means I’m constantly learning. -
What about you? How do you define, or view “failure”?



