
Musing #2:
I’ve been a trash picker upper my whole life.
In high school, I bought a grabber so I didn’t have to wear gloves-
I carry plastic bags in my daughters stroller (along with doggy bags-even though we have never owned a dog) so we can pick up trash as we walk.
For some reason, trash on the ground always gives me a sense that I can make an impact somewhere-
With just one piece of trash.
One of my most favorite compliments that I’ve received from my husband WAS about trash.
We were whale watching on the Puget Sound, and a piece of trash blew by-
I ran to grab it and throw it away.
He looked me straight in the eye and said, “that is why you’re different Jamie- most people would let it blow by and not have a second thought- but you run and grab it-
You see something- and you act.”
I don’t know if he even remembers telling me that- but I loved it.
It meant so much to me.
It sound minuscule, but I like how trash shifts my perspective-
I can either say “this place/neighborhood/football stadium is a dump” and roll my eyes, or I can roll up my sleeves and pick up some trash.



