Super FUN time at Athleta this am!
I LOVE hosting at @she.can.spokane and coming from someone who doesn’t spend money on hardly ANYTHING new- their pants ROCK!
This is the 4th time I’ve hosted there- and what you don’t see here-
Is a picture of the first time I hosted.
Leslie, one of the amazing staff who works there & was on duty BOTH times (in December) and today.
When I hosted in December, no one showed.
I turned to Leslie and while holding back tears and disappointment, asked if I could “teach” anyway-
Knowing that this wasn’t a failure- but that my mind was processing it that way at the moment.
I blasted the music and started the class.
About 8 minutes in, someone (one person) came through the door.
I taught the hour to ONE person- elated that ONE person showed- and taught my heart out.
Fast forward to today (8 months after teaching in Spokane) and here is the Spokane STRONG community.
Moving with my husbands’ job means I have to reinvent myself each time I land-
Which can be a punch to the gut sometimes-
But the fact that I get to grow with each move, meet new people, add to my tool box of resiliency- reminds me that ADVERSITY is the key to building anything.
Thank you to all who came out today, and all cheering for my from the stands. ❤️