
With my continual practice with Intuitive Eating-
one thing that my ‘rule lovin’ mind keeps having to wrap itself around-
Is the fact that there are NO rules.
I remember reading so many books centered on diet and just wanted to flip to the back so I could figure out what I COULD and COULDN’T do,
Or I thinking,
Yea yeah, all this stuff if great,
just tell me what is ‘good’ and what is ‘bad’ so I can get on with it already. -
And after diving into the mindset of trusting myself and healing my relationship with food, I have come away with a couple things:
•There are NO rules• Whenever I tell myself, “eat when you’re hungry stop when you’re full” I yell at my brain and say NOPE! GET AWAY RULES! That’s NOT IE!
•Practicing Intuitive Eating looks different for EVERYONE• Sheri figures out she loves brownies, Jerome like cooked broccoli for breakfast, Simone prefers carrying a snickers bar with her to assure her that it’s always available, and Paul finds out that he loves eating cookie dough in the bath (who WRITES these captions?) hahahaa
I always want to tell my body that I’m sorry for not trusting it for all these years, but looking back and dwelling won’t do me any good- so for now, I’ll just say that I’m thankful that I am practicing TRUSTING it now-
and that’ll do for now.



