Incorporating balance work into your movement and fitness routines is integral. -
My client this morning told me about how much her balance has improved since starting to train with me.
Weight shifts during upright dressing, Single leg stance while putting on pants and Getting in and out of the shower are all activities of daily life that take A lot of balance Ability to perform without slipping.
In a lot of the exercises that I have in my sessions as well as ones that I share with you all, I incorporate some sort of balance challenge.
Starting out with holding onto a counter and doing a single leg stance can be difficult for some while others are challenged with eyes closed on a foam pad.
Practicing Balance Looks different for everyone and may need adjusted depending on your level but keep in mind that it’s an important thing to include in whatever routine you are currently doing.
It was hard to wipe the smile off my face after she told me all of the ways in which her balance has improved.