
Last night, I made a mistake (as I so often do- but this one is professionally)
As I was rummaging through my backpack prior to teaching-
It looked as though I forgot my computer (ie. my class playlist)
“Oh no on NO OH NO!” I thought- “Dummy- NO way, how could you?- OH SHIIIZZZZZAAAAH!”
After about 37 seconds of badmouthing, I took a deep breath and said- “Okay, here is the thing (talking to myself of course)
What can I do now?
I don’t have time to run home- I don’t have a backup ZUMBA playlist on my phone, but I DO have a STRONG playlist-”
I’ll explain to them my mistake and teach STRONG instead...
The first few songs, I was discombobulated-
missing random cues and steps b/c I was still thinking about how the heck I could have made a mistake like this-
And after about 67 times apologizing to the class (on my drive home, I started to ‘come out of it’)
Mistakes are inevitable Jamie- 100% guaranteed you WILL make more-
What are you going to change,
what are you going to set into play- so that this doesn’t happen again?
STEP 1: I went home- printed out ANOTHER checklist to hang by my door of all the things I needed prior to teaching (b/c there are about 9 specific things I need) and I took the list down I had there two weeks ago to TYPE it out instead of the handwritten one I HAD UP THERE. -
STEP 2: I downloaded my ZUMBA playlist onto my phone, so if I ever forgot my computer again (knock on wood) I’ll have the playlist on my phone. -
STEP 3: I recognized that 5 years ago, I would have cried and beat myself up for at LEAST a week- and today, the ‘beat myself up’ phase has decreased. “HOLY crap” I thought- what a transformation, what an IMPROVEMENT!
I deduced that I cannot show compassion to others’ mistakes if I can not show compassion to MYSELF first.
It begins with me-
I will make MANY more mistakes- but that fact that I’m decreasing the time I dwell on them vs. taking action and recognizing that I’m human- makes me super proud of how far I’ve come.



