
I am a PUMPED on helping people find out what drives them TO move.
Research shows that over a lifetime- 100% of people don’t follow an exercise program that they loathe.

(I completely made that up, but I feel like it is true)

Also, let this be a reminder to not listen to every crazy on social media (including me- HA!)

What moves YOU- could be the complete opposite of what motivates your neighbor to move. •
Lucky for us, there are 7,000 different ways TO move.

So things I don’t recommend are “dancing in a strangers home” ESPECIALLY when they aren’t present- that could land you in jail-
Don’t lift porcupines (without proper gloves)
Don’t chase random toddlers- stick to your OWN kids- trust me!
Fencing in the Nude is NOT recommended- (oh it can be done- but don’t say I didn’t warn you)
And for some reason, my parents always warned me about “thin ice”
But usually it was prior to me being grounded. PSH- whatever.
What are other movements you wouldn’t recommend doing? I would love to hear them.
Sarcasm is not only recommended—But NECEsSARY in this practice. (Tag a friend if I make you laugh) 😂✋



