
Spoiler Alert: 😳😳😳

After 16 seconds, I never learn how to spin the ball on my finger.

Here’s how it goes-

Step 1️⃣

I want to learn how to spin the ball.

Step 2️⃣

Try a couple times, get frustrated.

Step 3️⃣

tell myself “I’m no good at spinning balls”

Step 4️⃣

quit trying.

For me, my IG account has been reporting daily struggles/thoughts/joys etc. and today, I want to document the process that I’m working through.

Applying/finding a job, being vulnerable, trusting the process, transitioning to a new place, and trying to sit with the crappy feelings during it all.

Everyone sees the ball spinning on the tip of the professionals finger, but we never see the hours of practice, the frustration, the “wanting to go dig a hole and crawl in it” clips-because those are not “pretty”

And neither is this video.

In my personal life, spinning a ball on my fingertip is NOT a goal at this point, but making videos- I love, sharing my story in hopes that it can resonate with others, I love- and making myself look like a fool- I “usually” love.

So here’s to the consistency and patience of everyday life. The little things that make the big things look easy. .

The practice. .



