
Your prayers and vibes and support and texts and calls- and just everything-
Meant the world to me this am.
I’m out of surgery. They said I was the best patient they’ve ever seen (kidding, but I like to make stuff up)
The whole process was insanely efficient- and quick it blew my mind.
I checked in to the surgery center at 11:45 and left around 3:00pm 😱
Oma is getting meds and pizza, nick is making sure meatball understands that mom is not a jungle gym for the next month or so- and I’m pumped for all these cool meals- (it’ll be like Christmas everyday)
Thank you for everything you all- truly-
Kinda wish I was a little more loopy and said something funny that would have landed me a viral video, but- sadly- I am level headed. 😂😂😂
More updates as the days progress! Thank you for all your support!



