TIP #4:
Arrive early for set up so that you can individually acknowledge people coming into your class: (learn names, shake hands, ask about life etc) -
This one seems self explanatory, but if I’m too busy choosing my playlist, taking off my sunglasses and taking off my track pants (hello 1980) then I have to think about the impression I’m giving to the students coming in.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been guilty of this, and there’s always that student who comes 15-20 min early, so I’ll be setting up while I’m chatting-
but I do recognize that learning someone's name and greeting them as they come in could mean the world to them. -
Asking them about their grandmothers’ health or how their audition went last week shows you care about them outside of their participation in your class. -
I want people to visit/chat prior and after class while also forming a community. Taking an interest in your students’ lives helps them feel more included (life lesson? ha!)
You could be perceived as annoying, or you could be the only person who has taken an interest in their well-being in the past week- -
I’ll take my chances with the latter anyday. -
Easing the transition into visiting/chatting and starting the class on time- takes time and practice as well, but that’s a whole other tip!
***As always, this tip varies- if you teach at a gym with back to back classes, this may not be applicable***