
Do you see what I did there?
With the speelling?
Is this bothering you?
That it’s just sitting there- or are you used to it from me? HAHA!
But in all seriousness this is one of the easiest things to KNOW, but one of the hardest things to practice-
In life AND as a group fitness instructor. -
I can make you ONE promise on this life journey-You WILL make mistakes. -
Early in my teaching career, I would be so nervous to make a mistake. I would practice until everything was “PERFECT”
And then when I did make a mistake in class- EVERYONE knew it.
I would call myself out (“OH SHOOT!”) I might yell. -
Making it completely obvious to the students taking the class that their instructor is a ninny pants (whatever that means?) -
Although, I still do that on occasion,
I have developed skills now where I know how to quickly cover it up so that *no one* knows. *meanwhile- there WILL ALWAYS be that ONE person who notices* -
I have enough skills under my belt that I can make it up along the way, or I have almost perfected my improv skills- but- but-
I STILL make misteakes (am I just killing the grammer lover in you all?) -
Mistakes not only make us human, but they make us more relatable.
So dust yourself off and try try again. -
There is a reason we learn “keep trying” from our tiny years-
Because it means we’re living, we’re trying, we’re making mistakes and improving every day.



