When I first read this poem by @rupikaur_
I had to read it again.
And again.
And then one more time.
It’s not that I think being called ‘beautiful’ and ‘pretty’ are bad-
I think my obsession with *yearning* TO BE called those things when I was younger had me focusing on ONE ingredient of a dish-
without understanding how many things went into cultivating and preparing the dish which is what ACTUALLY made/makes it delicious.
(I think my new found love of cooking and baking is coming out in my writing..😂)
But for so long- I ignored SO many gifts and talents and creations I had to OFFER the world, my friends- and to strangers-
Because I was fixated on wanting to be called pretty and stunning.
The other day, I noticed a woman struggling to put on her coat,
another woman reached out -in an effort to help her get her arm INtO her coat- and I stood there and ADMIRED this-
This awareness of a room and everyone in it-
in HER.
It had nothing to do with her appearance- and I didn’t even tell her-
I didn’t comment to her after I saw it.
These are the things I admire in people the most- the mere courage to do something that I may be terrified of at the time-
The kindness done behind closed doors-
The ones who answer a call they could have easily ignored-
Just my random Friday thoughts coming out...per usual...
Thanks for being here. I appreciate you.