Growing up playing sports-after game dinners at pizza joints were almost weekly-
And sadly, they became havens for negative self talk.
"Grab ALL the Napkins! Wipe ALL the grease!”
"Don’t tell me you’re going back for another piece!”
"I'm going to have to run double to work all this off.”
Insert UNHEALTHY mindset habit #41.
I told everyone around me, including myself- that I didn’t LIKE pizza.
This depressing tactic was limitless.
I recall claiming that I didn’t like chocolate, donuts, or ice cream.
Admitting that you don't like something, usually doesn’t lead to someone judging you for NOT eating it.
BUT the problem was- They were all lies.
I DID like pizza with the team, I DID like fresh donuts and I DID like chocolate.
My relationship with food has improved, but I’d be lying if I said that the feelings don’t come up every once in a while.
So, when I find those thoughts starting to emerge-
instead of beating myself up for how depressing that time in my life was
I decide to ‘speak with kindness’ to that little girl in my head-
So, throw on your best Mrs. Frizzle dress, hop into a magic school bus and join me won’t you?
Example of Internal Jamie Dialogue when old tendencies arise:
[Hey James-I wanted to remind you, this is NOT a BAD food.
in fact, this food is neither good nor bad- it just IS.
YOU are the one giving it that label.
So, before you take a bite, I want you to ask yourself-
are you angry, annoyed or lonely?
I want you to acknowledge whatever it is that you are feeling-
& FEEL the emotion.
If you are sad, acknowledge it.
sit with it for a while-and take a bite if that is what you want.
If you are feeling lonely & feel like this pizza is filling a much deeper void-
then let’s leave it for a while and go call a friend.
OR if you are hungry and the smell of the pizza is intoxicating, then eat it- & enjoy all the flavors of it!
And promise me this- you won’t beat yourself up afterwards-
b/c whatever decision you DO end up making is the best one for you- trust me.
Lastly, you’re pretty cool you know-working through all this stuff on your own time.]
So, here I am- almost 20 years later
accepting my truest self-
One meal,
one emotion-
one slice at a time.