
My mom used to sing “make new friends, but keep the old” to me in the car all the time when I was little and I HATED it! (similar to when I used to sing- “nobody likes me, everybody hates me- I’m gonna go eat worms” in 2nd grade & people wanted to slap me upside the head with their Lisa frank binder.


As dumb as I still think the saying is- 😂😜- I do appreciate making new friends as much as I do keeping connected to the ones I’m not physically around anymore.

I am embracing this shift as I get older- & not being concerned with HOW MANY friends I make (unlike 4th grade)—

I’m looking more towards the quality of conversation, the shared laughter- and the realness of people.

I’ve had this conversation lately- how making quality friends the older we are, has its difficulties.

I don’t know, I guess I just can’t just walk up to everyone and offer them my lunch snacks during recess to be my friend anymore?

This past weekend, our family shared dinner and belly laughs with new friends @sheenaharknesskessler 😍 and ended the weekend at a lake house with friends from our last duty station @asyak143 😍

The military life is tough for making and leaving friends-

But the “coming back togethers” make it feel like a day hasn’t passed at all.



