For most of my life, I’ve been labeled (and have considered myself a ‘perfectionist’) .
In my readings, I’ve been coming across this term a lot- and it’s usually it usually has been related to “fear”
There’s been so many times in my life that I’ve labeled something as “perfectionism” when in reality, it’s a costume of ‘wanting everything to be perfect’ when I’m really just scared of the outcome- .
so I’m using “IT’S NOT done YET!” As an excuse of why I can’t “release” my work/creativity/paper/ [insert whatever project I’m working on at the time] here.
There is (for sure) when everything needs to be polished, but for me to “free” myself from this- I’m allowing myself to HAVE mistakes and do it anyway.
With that being said, while filming today’s workout, I not only Forgot an “exercise breakdown” in the beginning- but I also forgot one during the set.
Normally I would NOT publish this video- but again- it’s a freaking YOUTUBE workout video- Jamie!—not a doctoral dissertation. .
So cheers to many more mistakes- many more “learning opportunities” and many Gained perspectives of what REALLY matters in life.