
If you haven’t already noticed by my previous posts, my writing doesn’t come with instructions on what YOU should do, or how YOU should live or perceive your life.

I write in order to process my thoughts-as well as share how I (stumble, crawl and sometimes walk) through this whole “life journey” thing.

I hope to never come from an angle of ‘judging’ or ‘knowing what it’s like’ to walk in someone else's’ shoes- when in reality, the only pair of sneakers I’ve ever worn-

is my own.

This morning, I was catching up with a dear friend & as we worked through the regular “how are you doin-- & how are the kids?” type questions-

she made this comment-

“I don’t know how you’re able to do all this stuff that you’re doing right now.”

And this is what lead to me share this with you all today. .

I want to be VERY clear- I HAVE HELP.

LET me repeat- I HAVE HELP.

My mother lives 20ish minutes away from us and watches meatball while I teach,

which I am extremely grateful for-


ALSO, our meatball goes to ‘meatball school’ during the day-

so I can work as a PTA/(PRN) while simultaneously working on growing my fitness & ETSY business’.


I mean, not in the ‘normal’ $en$e of the word anyway- (ie. making boat loads of money) .

I also want to be CLEAR about something else-

I have EVERY ounce of guilt that comes with EVERYTHING that I’m currently doing and pursuing right now.

Prepare for extreme vulnerability-->

Internal dialogue: “Jamie, what if your business’ fail & she was in day care FOR NOTHING? You selfish B.”

“If you fail, you are not only letting down your support system, but you’ll be letting your family down too-you entitled POS.”

“You could NEVER make it out on your own- because you don’t provide the sole income-you loser.”

These are SOME of the thoughts that I combat daily.

My hopes in what your take-ways from me posting this are:

1) If you ARE a mom and ever even ONCE try & compare yourself to me-

DON’T-and know that I have HELP.

2) If you feel the need to judge/leave a mean comment about any of the things I just shared- there is NO WAY that you could throw something at me that I haven’t already said.



