
The coexisting opposing quotes that have been on my mind lately are the

strength vs. weakness ones.

“Life begins outside of your comfort zone” (ie. embrace your “weaknesses” )?

“Pain is weakness leaving the body” (ie. usually a gym quote to make you feel bad about that shooting pain in your back.?)

“People cry, not because they’re weak, but because they’ve been strong for too long” (My beef with this quote is that I don’t like to associate “strong & weak” with emotions- b/c I don’t think someone NOT crying, or “holding it together” should equate to strength.

Also, I go back and forth with how I personally define ‘weakness.

is it a place of discomfort?

Is is something we don’t excel in?

Is it something we weren’t inherently “born” to be good at?

Currently, I’m trying to RECOGNIZE what I’m “naturally” good at-

And while doubling down on THOSE-

I’m slowly realizing that NOT everyone may have these traits.

The things that COME natural to me--

I ASSUME come natural to everyone.

b/c DUH- it’s “easy” for me- so it MUST be easy for everyone. .

things that I don’t think TWICE about being good at- b/c they come easy to me are---

-Starting a conversation with a complete stranger in a line, bus or plane.

-Laughing at myself and not being afraid to make a complete fool to make one person smile.

-Trying new things (i’m usually a little nervous, but I’ll usually be the first one to jump)

-Finding a situation in my life to relate to someone who is going through pain (my empathy)

But honestly, this time around, I’m not trying to give my “weaknesses” tons of merit-

if I’m not a great photographer- cool, I’ll find someone who is.

If I am not good at the business side/setting up of systems, I’ll listen to my husband all day long- so hopefully I can pick up on one good piece that I can apply to my work. .

Before, I feel like I was focusing and working on all the things I am NOT good at in order to improve. (which, isn’t necessarily a bad thing) but the balance of it is-

I wasn’t OWNING what I AM good at- and finding ways to succeed with THOSE gifts.

Thoughts on this?- What types of things come “easy” to you, that may not for others?



