“Don’t ask yourself what the world NEEDS. Ask yourself what makes you COME alive- and then go and do THAT. Because what the world needs- is more people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman.
I’m making canvas inventory for the @spokanehealthfitexpo that I’ll be at on January 5th and 6th- (as well as be promoting my classes and virtual training) but since I’m in between orders, I get to work on ones that have been on “my list” for a while, and this is one of them.
I love this one- for so many reasons- it reminds me that all of us are so different and all “come alive” by performing or doing different things.
I was recently telling “my story” to someone who attends my fitness classes and I said, .
“I LOVE teaching- and I just started to realize that I “had” to do it- or else I would go insane.” .
And she looked at me, and with complete honesty, said “you like this? I mean you really LoVE this?” .
And I was like-
And she said, “doing what you do, would be my worst nightmare—“ .
And we both laughed-
But it reminded me, that we all have something that we do that we “come alive” with, and it may be the most RANDOM, not normal thing on earth- but even DOING that thing for as little as 15 minutes a day, (ie. The guy whose passion is to draw celebrities on top of their favorite sandwiches) .
You are Making the world a better place by doing something that makes YOU come alive.
Here are some other totally “weird things” that make me come alive-
1) I love to follow recipes and make food for people and hear them say “YUM, this is great Jamie!”
2) I love reading to my daughter in my most theatrical (accented) voices, she gets a kick out of it too.
3) I like making and editing videos- finding the right second to “clip” it gives me a creative feeling and I think it’s fun!
What about you? What kinds of things make you come alive?