While participating in the fitness program, (hereinafter, the “Program”) lead by Jamie Carbaugh and Ragamuffin Fitness D/B/A fitragamuffin, I do hereby waive, release and discharge Jamie Carbaugh and Ragamuffin Fitness D/B/A fitragamuffin, and its owners, officers, agents, employees and representative (hereinafter, the “Released Parties”) from any and all responsibility or liability for injuries or damages resulting from or arising out of participation in the Program. 

I understand that the Released Parties may terminate access to the program at any time if it is determined, in the sole discretion of the Released Parties, that any provision set forth herein has been violated. I recognize that the Program may require physical exertion that may be strenuous and/or cause physical injury. I am fully aware of the risks and hazards involved. I agree to assume full responsibility and liability for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating in the Program. Such injuries may include, but are not limited to, heart attack, muscle strains and sprains, broken bones, shin splints, heat prostration, injuries to knees, injuries to back, injuries to foot or any other illness or soreness, including death. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to, and regarding my, participation in the Program. I represent and warrant that I have no medical condition that would prevent my participation in the program. I understand that should I feel dizzy, light-headed faint, or nauseous or experience any pain or discomfort during my session, I must immediately stop the Program. 

I hereby grant permission to Jamie Carbaugh, fitragamuffin and Ragamuffin Fitness to use my image in photographs, videos, and/or posts for use in media publications including but not limited to videos, e-mails, recruiting brochures, newsletters, magazines, general publications, websites affiliates and social media posts, and the like. I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve any photographs and/or videos that may include me, both now and in the future, whether known or unknown, and I waive any right to royalties and/or other compensation arising from or related to use of said image. I authorize that I am of legal age to enter into this agreement (18 years of age or older). I authorize that I am competent to contract in my own name. I have read and understand the full terms and conditions of this Consent, Waiver, and Release. 

I understand that it is recommended that I have a full water bottle, a ten foot by ten foot cleared space, and a towel. I understand that should I arrive late, there is no guarantee that I will receive the full session with my trainer. No make-up sessions will be allowed for sessions that are missed due to my late arrival.  

I will provide at least an eight-hour notice when cancelling a reservation. I understand that all reservations made within eight hours of the start time of the session are non-refundable and non-transferable. Eligibility of any refund will be determined at the sole discretion of the Released Parties.