
One of my virtual personal training clients couldn’t meet with me for a scheduled time during the holidays- so since we couldn’t meet screen to screen-

I made her youtube videos of FULL workouts,

so she could still get them in-

but then complete them on her own time***

IG won’t let me post a video longer than a minute- but here is a snippet of one of the workouts I made for her. .

If you are ever bored, or want to see my crazy mug -

Head over to my youtube channel:

Search: jamie carbaugh & CLICK -subscribe- to stay current on all my crazy videos I love to make.

There’s more than just workout videos on there too-

I have blog type ones- funny random ones

and one that I made for the ‘buy nothing’ community (one of my favorite movements) that is pretty neat too. .

***for each client, I modify or progress the exercise as needed- also I kept in my voice over b/c I’m explaining form and movement throughout.



