
I made this Alphabet Canvas for meatball about 2 months ago.

My intention was not to make it for her to learn her alphabet- but because she was starting to show an interest in letters.

Specifically her own name-

so once she learned those letters (and LOVED pointing them out when we were out and about-)

I started pointing out others letters (one at a time)

I didn’t start with “A”

Because WHY society WHY?

Letters’ don’t need to be learned in sequential order right?

I mean, besides the ABC song (an alphabetization for when you’re older)-

I’m being serious, is there a certain reason why you should learn “A” before you learn “R” ?

I mean, they’re not numbers where the build upon each other--(I’m genuinely curious)

ANYWAY, since she was showing ‘interest’ in each letter-

my mom then made her “letter” rocks (ie- painted rocks with ONE letter on each)

We put them in a sack (and like pulling a rabbit out of a hat) she picks one and is EXTREMELY proud when she can proclaim the letter that’s painted on it.

I’m a huge believe that in learning- making ALL SORTS of connections is key- so now, we’ve moved onto MATCHING the letter rock she picks out TO the letter on her alphabet board.

And she loves it!

I mean, by ‘loves it’ (we get a good 5-7 minutes doing it) hahahaha.

I didn’t think these canvas boards were “that” cool- until my friend asked for one.

You guys have no idea how much you encourage me daily to step out of my ‘zone’ -just when I think something is cool to ‘only me’ and that ‘no one else would want this’ you all boost my confidence- so these are now available in my Etsy Shop!



