I can’t thank you ALL enough for all the votes-
I LITERALLY sat down after meatball went to bed and tallied them with a post it- HAHAHA! (see pic)
and I took EVERY. ONE. of your comments/tweaks into play.
I took out the muscle lines- thought about branding and colors that I love, made font changes and considered simple printing practices…
AND so much more that I had no idea I had to think about. .
Unfortunately, designer number 1 withdrew and designer number 2 didn’t respond back to me- so I couldn’t move forward with either of those designs..
But I could tweak designs 3 and 4 (or rather, the DESIGNERS could) I provided ONLY feedback which brought me close to wanting to stab my eyes out with popsicle sticks after telling this person 400 things to make minor changes to.
At one point, I messaged him, “I KNOW you must hate me, but I appreciate all you are doing SO MUCH and your persistence patience with getting this right is incredible!”
So with all your help & input, Casey’s image- and a WHOLE lot of perseverance from the designer at 99designs-
we have a winner!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all your feedback! Seriously, you all ARE my backbone!
(if you make an adjustment now, or have a minor tweak-
there’s a small chance that I will go into the fetal position for the rest of the day---hahahaha)