“Don’t MAJOR in the minors.”
The best thing about being someone who is constantly examining herself-
is realizing that the MORE #mistakes I make, THE MORE I get to #LEARN. .
And boy did I get a MAJOR lesson this morning at the check out line at @rosauerssupermarkets .
I was waiting in line to mail a package and I was on the phone.
When it was my turn to get rung up, I quickly got off and starting talking to Dan. (in case you’re wondering, I’m on a first name basis with the grocery store staff)
In my attempts to PROVE that I’m better than “the rest/ or the others” I say to Dan->
“Man, don’t you HATE it when people are on the phone while you’re checking them out?”
(ie. I’m SOOOO much better than MOST people- let me try and make a connection with you based on how much people SUCK THESE DAYS!) .
Dan doesn’t buy it, he counter punches with-
“yeah, it doesn’t bother me that much- I always think ‘what if they are making a one million dollar deal right now and they need to be on the phone?”
Again, I ATTEMPT for a second connection on the whole “kids these days…” while uttering back-
“Yeah, but how LONG have you been here- don’t you get annoyed that literally SO MANY people do it?”
He pulls back his coat to reveal his name tag (which indicates the date he started)
1994--coming up on 25 years working for this company. .
And Dan replies, “Jamie, if I got mad at every person who did this-
I would be REALLY angry and I don’t want that—I mean you have kids’ you’ve learned that you have to pick your battles right?”
It hit me like a TON of bricks. .
He’s right.
He’s SOOOOO right.
If I was a clerk who let this action cause my blood to BOIL-
I would literally HATE MY ENTIRE day.
so why not throw a twist on it that makes me ‘less angry’?
(always assuming that no one is getting hurt in the process)
So, thank you Dan and thank you @sweetasmckinney grandpa for repeating this saying.
Because today, I was reminded-
Connection over “hatred” of something- is NOT REAL connection-
it’s fruitless and will not last.
As well as ‘don’t sweat the small stuff.”