
“Until we teach our children that they need to be concerned with how they LOOK & with what OTHER people THINK-


- @brenebrown

I owe it to my parents.

I can’t think of a single time they ever humiliated me when I did something “embarrassing” .

In fact, I can think of multiple times they actually JOINED me-

Giving me the confidence to be silly.

Confidence is seen in all forms-

And I’ve always been comfortable- (MAKING OTHER people...meh….slightly uncomfortable-

by my silly ways)

I have so much empathy for people who have NEVER had this comfort- .

Having the security-

that at the end of the day-

you can be YOU,

TRULY YOU- & still come home & be loved.

My hope- is to bring this to her.

A soft landing when she’s hit hard by life-

A place to rest when she is tired-

As well as someone who JOINS her when she feels the need to dance. .

It may not always be easy-

I may find myself in times where I want to “impress” people BY dimming her shine. .

But I will try my hardest not to. -



