You know what helps me “slow down” a bit sometimes? -
Understanding and appreciating the process.
I have a YouTube channel (Search: fitragamuffin)
where I make record and upload FREE workouts as well as all my random “funny/inspirational” stuff- and when I started making these videos and attempting to learn how to upload and edit them, I barely knew what the heck I was doing. (thank GOD for YouTube tutorials) hahaha!
I would curse occasionally and bang my fists on the keyboard like a freakin’ caveman when I didn’t ‘get it’ right away.
I would say, “that’s it! I’m done, this is dumb that I’m trying to do this anyway”
And now, 18 months later, I have over 100 subscribers and people who have told me TO MY face that they have done (and liked) the workouts and videos I have uploaded.
Now, I’m not saying 100 subscribers is an INCREDIBLE feat, but when you started out having 2 (thanks mom and dad) it’s a long road going forward. -
In editing these movies, in starting and growing this ‘fitragamuffin’ brand, in learning more and more about parenting and patience everyday AND in fitness-
there is NO destination-
There is just process. There is just movement.
Sometimes the movement is forward, backwards, sideways and upside down- but it all consists (somehow) of movement.
I wanted to post this “process” of editing b/c over the past year, I have gotten SO much more efficient at it- learned more and now I no longer curse (as often) hahaha. -
How do you “slow down” What process are YOU in right now that will someday be looked back on and say, “HOLY moly, I have gotten SO much better at this?