
Almost a year ago, I started “fitragamuffin” IG/FB page to provide a fun landing place for people who don’t feel like they “fit in” with the current fitness culture—> (ie. Me)
The current culture that promotes restriction of foods (eat this and NOT that) & only lets certain body types in-
The culture where food is “earned” by sweating in the gym, and exercise is a form of punishment for “over indulging” last night. The #fitspo culture that says “health and being proud of your body” equates to posing in a bikini and pushing gym pictures daily.
“FitRagamuffin” is NONE of that. It’s for ALL the “ragamuffins” — the ones who feel out of place in an industry that tells them they have to dress a certain way to work out- it’s for all the rag-tag-ragamuffins who—by stripping away the layers, are learning that mental health and being aware of the industries tactics to suck you in- are mostly BULL CRAP! They are poop wrapped in a nice gift bag—made to distract us from realizing our FULL potential (which does NOT rely on how we look)
Fitragamuffin is how I define myself-
Movement that is geared towards longevity and not a pant size- one that values the person for their empathy and their kindness, not the number a number on the scale.
One that encourages daily movement, no matter what that looks like!
And lastly- and truthfully, one of the main driving Forces of this business is my 2 year old daughter.
One day, she’ll be questioning her worth because of a some dumb comment that was made about her body-
And when that happens, I want to have created something that reassures her-that her worth lies in SO much more than a body- SO SO much more.



