On a whim, I asked my 5:15am virtual client what she liked MOST about training with me-
And without missing a beat- her response was this.
This! THIS! Response makes me SO pumped!
I used to think that my “different” approach was Weird, because it wasn’t how “normal people” did it.
“Exercise shouldn’t be fun” my 22 year old self thought. -
But now, at 33-I know it’s my strength, and I use it as such.
My BS in Human Physiology and my Associates as a physical therapist assistant gives me the knowledge of WHAT I do and WHY-
The connection- the face to face connection of relating, listening and yes, laughing with a client during training-
Wasn’t found in a text book.
And I’m so pumped to hone in on THAT strength.
So remember, find something that MOVES you-
Even if it’s waving vigorously at neighbors when they drive by—(or is that just me?) haha!