
Let’s talk about comments (OTHER THAN CUEING) that group instructors make to their participants during class.
There are a great deal MORE categories,
but today- I’m going to focus on two:
Body-focused and Information-focused
Comments that focus on a students’ body should be limited to FORM cueing (for injury prevention) and for Educational purposes- (ie. to let them know WHAT muscle group the move focuses on-so THEY can know the PURPOSE for the move)
It would behoove an instructor to NOT make comments ABOUT how a participants FUTURE body “should” look (think bikini bodies, thigh gaps and six packs) bc it sends a message that the participant isn’t good enough TODAY which is #Fitbollocks (@drjoshuawolrich 😁)
The goal of a group fitness class should be EMPOWERMENT and CONNECTION-
We want our students to leave feeling GOOD about what their BODY CAN DO TODAY-
NOT bad about what their body DOESN’T LOOK like today. -
In order to be a group instructor, you must be certified-
Now, not ALL certifications are equal-
BUT for the love- we DO read books and learn STUFF in our courses! -
As instructors, we are LEADERS.
For crying out LOUD, let’s INFORM and EMPOWER our students during that hour-by EDUCATING them and let’s leave the encouragement of fitspo and diet culture AT the DOOR!



