Are you used to seeing a peach emoji next to glute exercises rather than understanding WHY our hips need STABILITY? ( if so, read on…) Our hips (similar to our shoulders) require and NEED LOTS of MOBILITY to function properly. (ie. you can pretty much more your shoulder in every direction)
Where as your knee joint- not so much right? (we can pretty much move our knee in just two directions- up down, up down..no lateral movement and just slight rotation there at the end (if you want me to get picky)
If your hip muscles are WEAK, this can lead to a PLETHORA of problems ELSEWHERE.
You can literally have BACK, KNEE or ANKLE pain (b/c of something going on in your hip)
So, it is VITAL that we have STRONG muscles AROUND the hip joint supporting it while the joint goes in all different directions. -
(EXAMPLE:) While we are walking, we always have at LEAST one foot in contact with the floor-and sometimes TWO points of contact.
While we are RUNNING, there are TEEEEEENY points in time where we have NO feet (NONE!) in contact with the floor and sometimes one.
(wait, wait Jamie- are you telling me that we kinda float when we run Jamie?) ahhahahaha! kinda…-
So, IF the muscles in your hips are NOT strong, then when your right (or left) foot comes down for initial contact during running, OTHER muscles might COMPENSATE to make sure you don’t fall down. (think of walking and running as controlled falling) hahaha. -
And then when this happens over a long period of time, injury tends to occur (and it *might* be elsewhere)
So, with that being said, here are 7 exercises that will HELP with hip STABILITY-
Your joints will thank me (or buy me a drink, HA!)
Here are some STABILITY exercises for your hip joint (w/ medium resistance band)
*Clamshell HOLD
*Quadruped Fire Hydrant
*Sidelying Hip Abduction HOLD