
Don’t forget to breathe!”
When I worked with the geriatric population as a PTA, it seemed that I would utter these words on the hour every hour.
It seems like a NO brainer, but you would be surprised how often WE forget to breathe. As a personal trainer and group instructor, I’m always reminding my clients to breathe- and also find POWER in (with the) breath.
Holding your breath DURING exercise, or bearing down (think bowel movement face) actually has a ‘fancy’ name --
It’s call the ‘Valsalva maneuver’
What this means is that by closing your mouth/nose and bearing down, you are increasing the intra abdominal pressure in your body- therefore increasing the blood pressure, and when receptors detect that increase- they turn “on” and rapidly decrease BP and HR- which could lead to dizziness, light headed sensation or sometime fainting.
***It’s a technique often used for power lifters, but for the average person, shouldn’t be practiced during exercise***
I see this MORESO when people are holding static poses or isometric ones such as planks or prolonged squats.
One thing that can ‘help’ you to REMEMBER TO breath is by counting your reps (one two three..) or being able to converse DURING exercise-- b/c it’s pretty difficult to TALK and NOT breathe. (try it) ;) -
Another quick thing I want to touch on is WHEN TO BREATHE during a rep-
You should EXHALE while doing “the work” (ie. think bicep curl UP PHASE, Squat COMING back TO stand phase and shoulder press (press phase)
and INHALING when doing the eccentric movement or (controlling the motion back from lift phase)
Hopefully this helps with your next session, and one thing that’s great about LIVE stream training with me- YOU DON”T HAVE TO HAVE A MINT TO BREATHE IN MY FACE! hahahahahaha!

Build up of CO2
Trick is counting your reps (talking during exercise ensures that you’re breathing)

Valsava manuver (holding your breathe, increasing intra abdominal pressure therefor increasin blood pressure)

Breathing when you’re DOING the work and breathing OUT when you’re not
Make sure you have gym



