I take so much pride leading people through workouts,
but what people SEE is so different from what goes on in the background.
I tell people almost every class-
“It’s normal to feel as though you have two left feet- this is YOUR first (or 5th) time doing it. -
Wanna perform the song like I do?
Here’s the steps you have to take-
Download the song and listen to it for a week straight, getting the beats and transitions locked into your brain
Then observe the choreo provided (by a Master Trainer) and practice WHILE following them about 10-15, sometimes 20 times.
Then, play the song WITHOUT looking at anything, and envision you’re teaching the class- work on your physical cueing (hand, eye and leg movements) Once you think you have that down-
Learn modifications and progressions for each move in the song. You will always have various levels in your class- so you must know each variation.
THEN teach it- (and you may still screw up every once in a while- after practicing it over 50 times. -
I was reading the other day about how pro pool players practice their shots by AIMING their pool stick into a LONG NECK BOTTLE WITHOUT moving it. -
Think about that for a second- something that’s about 2 (ish) times wider than the stick- going in without touching either side.
Perfecting their stance, their bridge, their mind, their angle---
And ‘shooting’ INTO the neck of the bottle. -
But you know what we don’t see when we watch professionals? The countless hours and techniques TO get to that level. We see the finish line, the last second, the pressures- but we don’t sit for hours in front of the TV watching their 2 a day practices during the summers, the countless times the bottle MOVED. -
If you are frustrated you can’t “get something”
do it 3,862 times and then report back at your improvements- I promise you’ll have improved. -
What are you currently “practicing” right now?
I’m working on being MORE efficient with my time and practicing #compassion with myself.