One year ago today.
One year ago today, I posted a video announcing my LAST class that I would be hosting @fobbrewing In Dupont. -
As a military family, we make—and eventually have to leave wonderful communities. As a fitness instructor this means leaving and building Communities time and time again.
This Saturday I will be hosting a fitness class @riverparksquare At 9 AM very similar to what I was doing a year ago.
Different location. different
city- Same message.
Community. Community. Community.
I am certain that if apples came with stickers that said “smile at your neighbor” and elliptical’s had prompts that read, “Don’t forget To offer compassion To the driver who cut you off, because remember when you did the same to that guy a week ago? “
I am convinced that our collective mental and emotional health would improve.
So I will keep teaching classes, keep promoting Community and empathy and maybe one day I’ll be in a town near you! ;)