Musing #3:
I wave at construction workers.
Not a ‘pageant wave’ or an over exuberant wave-
but a swift “back and forth STICK wave” like-
‘I see you, thanks for working hard on maintaining these roads! Hope you have water nearby- say hi to your mom for me’
Type wave.
Is that a thing? Can you say all that in a wave? If so-I think I definitely communicate that in the way that I wave.
When I was little, I remember taking the same trip every summer and there was always roadwork on the way- My mom would sometimes bring snacks for the workers. As we would wait in the stop line, she would talk to them say hi and ask if they wanted a cookie. I didn’t think much of it at the time-I just thought that was a neat thing to do.
I also like that I forcibly (by law) Have to slow down while passing a construction zone-like there are LITERALLY signs telling me to do so, when in my own life- the only thing that slows me down is taking a big whiff of my kiddos hair.
Weird, I know.
It seems as though they appreciate It too. (They often wave back, with what looks like a genuine smile) -and I’m sure there are only a handful of us weirdos that do it, but I’m pretty proud to be in a club like that.
Another thing I like about waving at them, is that it takes me out of my “zone” or whatever I was thinking about at that moment —and brings me to a place where I can let someone know that I see them and that I appreciate them —and that always makes me feel good. -
Am I the only one in this club? Whose with me?! Hahahaa!
- ***also, I’m parked for this photo op!