Three different times today, I worked out with three different women-
I was talking to one afterwards about how (almost a decade ago) I decided to let other people’s judgement cloud my gift of being a personal trainer/group fitness instructor.
“Oh, Jamie- yea, she’s JUST a group fitness instructor- we all know you can’t do THAT job forever!”
(All the people in my mind were saying...)
Whether these people were even real, (which most likely they weren’t bc the stories we make up in our heads are usually worse that reality)
I let “them” stop me from focusing on what I love, and doing what I love.
Who knows where I would have been today if I hadn’t listened to them-
But you know what?
I honestly don’t care-
I’m here now.
I’m here TODAY!
And I have the privilege to be getting a second chance at quieting those voices.
I am full of gratitude (Which I think is pretty evident in my smile) for this chance- and I’m going full force with this opportunity.