
This past week, I can across my first issue of @militaryfamiliesmagazine - and low and behold, the issue focused on three military spouses that used entrepreneurship as a solution to their employment challenges. I devoured the article, circled random facts and immediately starting following @beinglakeshacole @thesocialcrown and @officialarmywife101 to get even more connected on our unique situation.
The unemployment rate of the military spouse is 6x worse than the national average- with frequent moves it makes it difficult to develop yourself over a long period of time at a business.
I remember having an interview at JBLM (one of the longest places we were ever stationed) and hesitantly saying to my employer, ‘There’s a slight chance I will be relocating in the next year” (not knowing how long we would be there)
One part that always went with me to each duty station was teaching group fitness-
I would start a class, grow a community (of super awesome people)
And then have to leave them all behind-
only to start from scratch at the next duty station.
I would take notes on lessons I learned, so that I wouldn’t make the same mistakes each time starting out- but I would be lying if I told you that I never got frustrated with starting over-
So, this time- I decided to build something that could MOVE with us-
•LIVE streaming virtual training•
I don’t have to physically BE with the clients- I can train them across time zones, while they are on vacation- HECK- while I’m on vacation-
I quit my job as a physical therapist assistant in January to go full throttle entrepreneur and it’s been a wild/amazing ride so far.
The military life instills the lifestyle of an entrepreneur- flexibility, failure, mistakes, starting over, reinventing yourself- etc.etc.
There are a lot of things that are tough about this lifestyle, but if I were to focus on that, and not all the opportunity and friendships and places for growth that it BREEDS, I wouldn't be where I am today-
This is my #moderndayrosie story and I am so glad to be a part of such an amazing group of people!



