Sometimes- my clients and I get going on the most random of tangents when we’re working out together-
And todays RANDOM subject was
Do you guys remember that drink?-Is it still around?
I told her that once in middle school, we ran out of milk- so I used TANG- and after she got done being disgusted by me-😂
She told me that her mother in law has a family drink tradition of...
Drum roll...
Tang, lemonade, iced tea and all spice (or nutmeg) and it’s actually-Quite tasty.
SO tasty in fact, that she jarred small servings out as party favors for her wedding- ❤️
Often times, I think food gets mistaken as ONLY a fuel source- when it is so much more.
Sometimes it’s community, sometimes it’s pleasure - and sometimes it’s family tradition.
And- most importantly, (it’s connection) I loved that she shared this with me- it made me laugh- as well as intrigued me-
So much so, she’s going to send me a sample-
What’s your favorite random concoction that a family member or neighbor makes? I once had a neighbor whose dad made mayonnaise and cheeze whiz sandwiches- NO joke! 😂❤️