
This is Callie Johnson- (I just met her today)
& this is her brand new bakery @made.with.love.bakery ❤️
I heard about this bakery from a dear friend @sparklepantsbox touting their butterscotch cookies- and it’s basically next door to where I teach class on Saturday mornings:
so ---
YOU put two and two together. 😉
The store opened on June 29th and that was about the same weekend I started following their social pages. 👩‍💻
Pictures of scones, pies & pop tarts looked absolutely scrumptious- and oddly enough each photo of one of their baked goods actually looked like it was-indeed-made with love! (haha!)
Her website says that the name is “and illustration of not only the intention [she] puts into every product made, but [her] desire that you would experience a sense of well being, care, and delight whenever you step into our bakery.” 🚶‍♂️
NOW, I’m going to remind you that I JUST met her today and asked her to take a random selfie with me so I could share about her store-
so THIS is what I observed upon entering:
A picture on the shelf of a young girl on a step stool in what looks to be her families kitchen-intently mixing ingredients in a bowl indicating to a stranger that the owner has dreamed about this shop since childhood.
Upon entering, Norah Jones’ music in the background was insinuating that I should slow down my thoughts and smell, be-and enjoy those around me. 👂
Pillows, benches, outside seating and stools catering to community-all with comforting colors reminding you that it’s not the end of the world if you happen to sit and chat with a stranger.
Callie knew the names of the 5 out of the 8 people that walked through the door. (the other three were new- and I listened to her ask their name so she could remember it the next time they came in)
The coffee and baked goods were amazing-
but if you know me- you know that I like to look behind the obvious-
Kindness, community & a sense of belonging-
that’s what I felt upon entering- and that’s how I know this dream of hers-
is only just getting started. 👏
Location: 2023 Dean Ave. Spokane
Hours: Tues/Wed/Sat 7:30-2:00



