
She often sees me workout while I’m playing with her in the garage. 😍

The other day, she caught me off guard when she lifted the weights and started imitating me.

She was so sweet- in her innocence...

looking at me with eyes that said, “I wanna be just like you mom, am I doing it right?”

And it struck me-

although ONE of my goals as her mother is to teach her to incorporate movement in her life- honestly,

that’s not the most important thing that I want her to observe. 😳

I want her to learn kindness and patience when I offer to let the man go in front of me at the grocery store who has 3 items to my 29. .

I want her to learn gratitude and perspective from observing the three seconds before mommy “almost” has a major mommy meltdown--

And repeat to myself, “I have clean running water, I have clean running water” and am able to pull myself out of it.

And I want her to learn grace and forgiveness, for those times that mommy DOES have the meltdown-

but is able to come around, admit to her mistakes and say “I’m sorry I may have scared you.” Because we’re all human right? .

“Mistakes” and “imperfections” would be my middle name if it wouldn’t have been publically frowned upon. hahaha!

But it’s our ACTIONS that speak the loudest about us-

It is our ATTITUDE during adversity that defines our character.

How will she see me overcome my obstacles?

With selfishness and greed-

or with self acceptance and the determination to do better next time?

My hope is that I exemplify the latter. .



