Our little meatball turns TWO this weekend, so I wanted to take her out for some adventures. (Just so you’re all aware, ‘adventures’ are defined as anything done OUTSIDE the home, though we have plenty in home as well) hahaha!
A few weeks ago, I started following our towns hashtag ( #spokane ) and now I have so many ideas for adventures.
So, when I saw this picture of these specialty #donuts that could fit into the palm of my hand from #hellosugar , we had to go check them out. .
When we got there, the line was out the door and the variety they offered you had me drooling while I contemplated on which ones to pick for me...errrrr….I mean HER.
Nutella filled, strawberry shortcake or s’more? I didn’t know- so I chose them ALL. Although, I don’t think we could have gone wrong with any choice.
AND the best part about this whole outing was- the park that was RIGHT across the street. I had planned on taking her to one afterwards, BUT this made it so that we didn’t have to go anywhere else all morning. .
Happy birthday weekend little one- I love you so much!