About 6(ish) months ago, one of my mentors encouraged me to start an Instagram account in order to help promote the classes that I was teaching.
It has helped me A LOT and I am truly thankful she gave me “the push” to step out of my comfort zone. .
On Instagram-
(as well as facebook and any social media platform)
We all see Ads--ads that are SPECIFICALLY catered TO US.
For example, my moms AD feed (ie. grandma shirts, volunteering opportunities and teacher mugs) would look COMPLETELY different than the ADS that I see (women who lift, cookbooks and funny mom memes) vs. what the 37 year old man who is “into fishing” sees.
You catch my drift?
Anyway, In these “sponsored posts” I found this whole other WORLD with hashtags such as #inspiration, #motivation and #fitspo (ie. FITNESS inspiration)
and in it--
Are basically bikini clad women--(and the occasional man lifting)
Some of these women have ten of THOUSANDS of followers (some even in the millions) and I couldn’t help but picture my little girl looking at these photos which are TITLED “inspiration” and “workhard” thinking that SHE and HER BODY are NOT GOOD enough. .
This inspired me to “BE THE CHANGE” that I want to see in the world. .
Not that posting a shot (or multiple) of you in a bikini is bad- but when our bodies are used as “an ornament, instead of an instrument” (as @beauty_redefined states it) I think our minds can start to get a little confused as to what the true definition of where our “inspiration” comes from.
As these thoughts were circling in my head, I thought- I can’t be the ONLY one who sometimes feels inadequate when they see these images right?
So, why not (in true Jamie-weirdo style) make everyone laugh a little while I share my truth? -
With that- I hope you enjoy my short skit I did to show- just that.