
“Do what you love, love what you do.”

One of the things that I love- is being a group fitness instructor. Not for great clothes (BAHA!) the fame (a HUGE BAHHAHA!) But because of the way it allows me to be creative.

I am allowed to express myself through teaching. Every class is different- every group different and my style adjusts to that. .

Everyday, I am learning new things- new ways of being a better group instructor, but I have also learned a lot along the way- so I thought I would share with you these “tips” that i’ve accumulated that may not be offered in your certification classes- this being the first one in the series. .

Tip #1- Develop your style. .

This will take TIME. Lots and lots of time- you will go to various classes, ALL types of classes NOT JUST the one you teach and you will learn things from the instructor you encounter- take every class as a STUDENT. NOT as an instructor and you will eventually develop a way of teaching that you and your students enjoy. .

What are some things that YOU like as a student- or that YOU do as an instructor? I’d love to hear from you!



