“You can do anything...but not everything.”
Can I be serious with you all for a second?
BALANCE- is this something you all ACTUALLY have, is it something that you strive for daily- do you feel like once you “get it” it slips from your hands?
When I teach “balance” to patients, (like PHYSICAL balance) my favorite phrase to tell them is- “if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” Because I feel that they (or me) always want to be GOOD at balance (meaning they don’t fall, or trip, or mis step) but what’s so weird about that- is then--
When we’ve reached THAT point- doesn’t that mean that there’s more challenge?
God, I’m getting deep here at 5am- hahaha
-what do you guys think about it, or trying to “attain” it, is it even possible?
It always reminds me of a funny meme that was circulating a while back that listed 5 things-
1: Prepare and make wonderful meals
2: Be successful in your career
3: Be a wonderful mother/spouse etc.
4: Work out
5: Have a good sex life (sorry to throw that last one in there mom! hahaha)
And then at the bottom of the photo- it read→ .
Hahahaha. .
I find that I get overwhelmed when I try to balance EVERYTHING in my life-
trying to devote enough time to everything and everyone.
Recently, I have come to a good place of- with everything, there is a season.
Currently, I’m not “killin’ it in the job department”
Do I have a lot of things that could potentially fill that gap that I’m working on- yes, but I’m by NO MEANS bringin’ home the bacon- and I could easily let that depress me.
But- this is a season in my life where I am pursuing a passion, hanging out with my toddler and hugging her (in her opinion) too much and teaching fitness to 3-4 people at a time. .
Is my life balanced?
I honestly don’t know- I don’t feel like it is- but I’m enjoying it-
And yes, I totally fell after trying to take these pictures-hahaha!