Making eye contact is DIFFERENT than staring at someone for 5+ seconds.
which can be tricky for a group fitness instructor.
With practice, this starts to become second nature.
When you play with the timing, you’ll start to get a feel for the right amount.
Whose energy intensifies when you make eye contact with them?
Who gives you feedback that says, “Look at me again, and I’m NEVER coming back” -
On the contrary, NEVER making eye contact during class can leave the student wondering if their presence is even known.
Doing it at least once, shows the student “Hey, I see YOU- Thanks for coming!” -
Understanding that body language varies per student is a never-ending learning process.
I am completely different as a student than I am as an instructor.
In a group class setting, I would describe my face as ‘intense & serious’
BUT I can assure you that I am enjoying every second of it. -
The person next to me could have an identical look on their face, but be counting down the minutes until the class is over.
That’s why the longer you teach, the more you learn, because everyone has their individual face for what ‘excitement or boredom’ may look like. -
I have found that when people quickly look away, that’s a pretty good indication that they might not like that kind of feedback, so I will not do it as class continues. -
Scanning the room when you teach, not only gives you an overall feel for the energy in the room, but it also provides feedback concerning the safety of your participants.
How is their placement- Are they too close together?
Are someones’ shoes untied?
How are their faces looking? Flush? Overworked?
As instructors, our students safety is our number one concern, so whether or not you feel comfortable looking directly into their eyes becomes irrelevant. You need to make sure safe practices are taking place. -
As your class grows, making eye contact with every single person may become more difficult, but it’s a great thing to practice every single class. -
So, what’s your take as a student (or instructor)? Eye contact- Love it? Loathe it?