And frankly, I don’t care. .
I want to first say that in NO way is this post a “fishing” for compliments one.
If you read until the end, you will see what I mean by my initial statement. .
Growing up, I was always the “funny” one (which now, I use as my strength)
during my teenage years, I wanted to be defined as something else. .
I wanted to be called “pretty” .
IF people were to refer to my looks, they often say that I was “cute”
and even though that isn’t a bad thing-
I just remember longing to hear something else- “Jamie- you’re so pretty.”
I often think about how I didn’t care how many people called me nice, or trustworthy or a good friend-
It was like none of that mattered.
I am starting to realize more and more how much the “outside” has very little correlation with what is going on with a person on the INSIDE.
Social media is FULL of beautiful people, immaculate homes and stunning views (which makes sense) and for a moment there-
I almost let these ideals hold me back from sharing-
because I am no model, nor to I keep my home tidy enough for “candid” photos.
But the key word there is: ALMOST
You see, my GOAL with “fitragamuffin” is not to attain a million followers, or have a viral video or make a bigillion dollars in ad revenue.
My goal is to inspire the people AROUND me to feel good about themselves-
whether through shared laughter, group fitness or displays of kindness-
Because what I know-
is that when people feel better about themselves, they in turn treat other people better.
and THAT ripple effect is one that I can be proud of creating.
Being “pretty” no longer holds any value for me. .
I KNOW that I don’t like to brush my hair or wear make up or dress up-
(and there is 100% NO judgement if that it YOUR thing)
But it’s not mine. .
So---why not use THAT as my STRENGTH?
to allow people to feel like they can do the same (if that’s what they wanna do)
So, there you have it-
FIT- RAGAMUFFIN - embracing my imperfect life journey, so you can embrace yours- .
Lastly, if you do feel the need to call me something- call me kind, compassionate or inspirational. .
But please- don’t call me pretty.